At St. Raphael’s staff and students are provided with access to the Catholic Education Victorian Network (C.E.V.N) – which includes the school’s Local Area Network (L.A.N.), the World Wide Web through the ‘Education Channel’, the Internet and Electronic Mail (e-mail). At St. Raphael’s we have network connections in all areas of the school with access to the L.A.N. and the Internet. Access to the internet will be monitored by staff and will be for educational purposes only.
Conditions and Rules of Use
St Raphael’s Network Administrator reserves the right to review any material on user accounts or file servers in order to determine the appropriateness of specific uses of the network.
If a student identifies a security problem on the Internet, he/she must notify a teacher immediately and must not attempt to gain access to the system in an unauthorized way.
Students are not permitted to:
- Disclose their own or others’ passwords.
- Attempt to guess passwords or gain unauthorized access to another person’s files or electronic mail.
- Provide personal information such as home address, telephone number or details through the internet.
- Provide personal information about another person, e.g. personal address, phone number or details.
Note: Electronic mail is not guaranteed to be private due to monitoring procedures and St. Raphael’s has access to all mail.
Network Manners
All users are expected to abide by the accepted rules of network manners.
- Be polite. Do not swear or use any other inappropriate language.
- Do not use the network in any way, which interferes with others’ use of the network.
Encountering Controversial Material
On occasions, students may encounter material, which is controversial or offensive, and which users, parents, teachers or administrators may consider inappropriate or offensive. It is the student’s responsibility not to initiate access to such material. If a student stumbles onto such material, it should be reported to a teacher immediately. It must not be demonstrated to other users, printed, copied or stored.
Unacceptable Uses of the Information Network, Internet and Electronic Mail
Unacceptable uses of the network include:
- Downloading, storing, creating, sending or printing files or messages that are deemed to be obscene, or that use language that offends or degrades others.
- Giving personal information or agreeing to meet any person contacted through the internet.
- Accessing offensive, dangerous or potentially destructive information.
- Disadvantaging other network users by misusing equipment or wasting computer resources is not acceptable. This includes:
- Printing unnecessarily
- Spending unnecessary time on the Internet
- Performing unnecessary searches on CD ROM databases
- Sharing personal files and folders.
Acceptable uses of the Information Network, Internet and Electronic Mail
Acceptable uses of the network include the following:
- Downloading, storing, creating, sending or printing files or messages that are used for educational purposes.
- Explore sites of interest for research purposes.
Access is conditional on users complying with rules outlined in this document.
The use of the facilities and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use may result in the cancellation of access.
Consequences of Misuse of the Information Network, Internet and Electronic Mail
Consequences of misuse of the network will range from a caution and reminder of the rules of acceptable use, to suspension or cancellation of user access to the network or Internet and e-mail, for a period determined by the Principal or Network Administrator.