It is the responsibility of St Raphael’s School to ensure the safety and well being of children in our care. The Policy has been developed to ensure that all students and staff attending the school are protected from damage caused by the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. This policy is to be implemented throughout the whole school year.
- to increase student and community awareness of skin cancer risks and of practical means of protection.
- to develop strategies that encourage responsible decision-making about skin protection.
- to work towards a school environment that provides shade for students and teachers.
- to ensure that student and teachers will wear suitable clothing and hats for outdoor activities.
Skin Protection Strategies
- Require children throughout the year to wear broad-brimmed or legionnaire hats whenever they are outside (e.g. recess, lunch, sport, excursions).
- Children will be required to wear the school hat whenever they are outside.
- Encourage the daily application of sunscreen before school.
- Direct children who do not have hats with them to play (remain) in the area protected from the sun. No hat – No P.E. lesson/sport.
- Encourage children to use available areas of shade for outdoor activities.
- Request (encourage) staff and parents to act as role models by practising Sunsmart behaviour.
- On days of extreme heat and at the discretion of the Principal, the children will stay indoors for their breaks.
- Include sun-protective clothing items as part of our school uniform.
- Organise outdoor activities to held in areas with plenty of shade whenever possible.
- Work toward increasing the number of shelters and trees so as to provide additional shade in the school grounds.
- Encourage children to use available shade for outdoor play activities.
- Incorporate programs on skin cancer prevention into the curriculum at all grade levels.
- Regularly reinforce Sunsmart behaviour in a positive way through newsletters, parent meetings, student and teacher activities.
- The Health and Physical Education Committee will review the effectiveness of this policy each year.
- Review the Sunsmart behaviour of students, staff, parents and visitors and make recommendations for improvement.
- Assess shade provision and usage and make recommendations for increases in shade provision.
- Update and promote curriculum material relevant to Sunsmart activities.